Thank God today's over. There's excitement in finally being a veterinarian, but stress because I'm still so new at it. Today I was on day ER and although it was slow, what I did have to do was sad. I euthanized an older dog who likely had cancer. The owner was so nice, and I gladly spent a long time talking to him about his dog, his decision, and the process of euthanasia. I've done two of these, and even though I'm glad I can end pain and suffering, it's really hard for me. I was tearing when I spoke with the man, and when I was actually injecting the euthanasia solution I was crying. I apologized, but he said he was glad that it was me who did it, and I could show emotion. So even in such a sad state of affairs, I'm glad I was able to do something to make this man and his dog's day a little easier. Augh. Luckily, the ER was slow today so I had the time to tend to this client. Other than that, it was the usual stress of not knowing the hospital's protocols on who to talk to, what to bill, and all that great stuff that makes a seriously stressed intern even MORE stressed.