I finished my last ER overnight shift (for a while, at least)! YES! Even though I have to work Labor Day, have to work 6 days straight, and only have one day off this week, I am trying to be positive. Plus my man is back from Sweden. I was really starting to miss him, so I'm happy. Plus I watched more of my new favorite show---Californication! I highly recommend it. Rent it real quick before the new season starts later this month on Showtime. There's not much catching up to do, so it's an easy watch...again, it's highly recommended. Plus, later this month, my very close friend Anthony is getting married AND later this year another very close friend, Koh, is getting married! I have yet to meet their wives to be and I look forward to it. I was just thinking about how after this year I may have the chance to have a life again...and it's something to look forward to. I want to be back to my old self. I have so much to do: ideas I need to follow through on, "self improvement projects" as I call them, exercise, travel, films to watch, people and pets to spend time with, art projects, cleaning, tattoos to get (I'm considering getting a tat at this place), bad TV to watch....so much I want to do. It's these things that keep me going when times get rough at work. Another very close friend, Jennifer, is in town visiting. She's in medical school down in Grand Cayman. Sadly our schedules didn't vibe and we couldn't meet up and I really want to see her. Hopefully soon, though...in the meantime I keep telling myself to keep truckin' along to get to the end of this internship to become that supervet I really want to be...