Ah, like a breath of fresh air, I finally got to watch one of my favorite movies again---"
Tokyo Decadence"---a great helping of S&M, prostitution, drugs, and love lost...all in my sweet Tokyo...you know if it is ever possible I want us to have an apartment in Tokyo...hmm...I would have to say I'd love it to be in
Harajuku, my favorite part of Tokyo, or in
Shibuya...the photo above is from Shibuya, and the building in the shot is called the 109 Building. It houses multiple floors of Japanese teeny-bopper clothing and accessories...but I really want to discover more of Japan one day...like go to Hokkaido or go SCUBA diving in Okinawa...and I still haven't been down to Osaka...oh, Japan...!!!!!! I just got an email from Kentaro, one of my friends who's back in Tokyo, and he said that being there everyday is monotonous...which I can respect, but in all honesty there's something about Japan that I could never get bored with, just like NYC. Woops--back to the film: I really enjoy this film---disturbing, depressing, a little outrageous. Well, yesterday I made my way onto the island of Manhattan and finally saw Marcus' office and met his co-workers. We ate lunch and then I met up with Terry-a. We hung out at her place and wow has Seren (her baby) grown! Then the three of us headed to
Macchiato Espresso Bar in midtown (east) and met up with Jennifer! Good coffee and good times. Then I met up once again with Marcus and we headed home to the (other) island---Long Island. Today, in addition to watching a movie, I cleaned up around the apartment and caught up with Stephen on the phone. Nice, relaxing day.