Marcus configured the printer so I could scan in the amusing photo that was taken of Dani, my friend and future veterinary surgeon, and myself as we screamed it up on the Great American Scream Machine at Six Flags Great Adventure. So this past weekend, I headed over to New Jersey and Dani picked me up at the train station. We headed to Great Adventure to indulge in our common love of the thrill ride. But Dani I must say, is a connoisseur...She knew the rides inside out, and was the brains behind strategically choosing which rides to go to, and how to maximize our time, with the help of the Flash Pass, which I highly recommend. Anyway, we ended up on the Great American Scream Machine, as I mentioned, Batman The Ride, Bizzaro (complete with spontaneously combusting fireballs), Kingda Ka, Rolling Thunder (a throwback wooden coaster that I swear came off the tracks, creaking the whole time and jacking up my neck!), and my favorite of the day: El Toro. And I would not expect that...Dani was raving about El Toro, but I was skeptical because it's a wooden coaster...and how thrilling can that be?!?! Well I love rides that freak me out and the drop on that sucker was ridiculous. Because as much as I love the upside down coasters, it's all about the drop and feeling like you're going to fall out of your seat. El Toro definitely delivers that! Kingda Ka's claim to fame is that it's the fastest and highest coaster in the world...and it's a marvel of physics, but it's literally over in 5 seconds. And you literally go vertical at like 125 MPH, then drop vertically. Although it was CRAZY how fast we went upwards (seriously)...the drop was so fast, it was like nothing happened! So much so, I argue that people who are scared of roller coaster may actually do well on this ride. Well what's up for today? I may cook biscuits...I love biscuits. I stumbled upon this site that seemed to speak to me: Cooking For Engineers. They break things down in pseudo anal retentive detail, which a girl like me can appreciate. Now let's see if these recipes are actually any good...