As I lament over the void left in my life left by the absence of chocolate, I reflect upon a heavenly piece of chocolate heaven. I went to visit Gina, my very good friend and veterinary oncology resident, in Norwalk, Connecticut. we ate lunch at this place called Chocopologie! The service was lacking, but not the dessert! This weekend was a good one. Marcus and I went to the movies and watched Ben Affleck's directorial (and starring) effort, "The Town". I was very happy with this movie. It was solid storytelling and everyone gave good performances. Ben Affleck, I've decided, just needs the right role...he's been plagued by horrible performances and parts in the past, but this was pretty good! Maybe he's found his forte---directing? I really liked this movie. Yesterday Terry-a, Saifra, and I went to Locanda Verde in Tribeca to brunch. It was good---I had oatmeal. I'd like to check it out for dinner. Last week Marcus and I ate dinner at Tribeca Grill, just a block or two away from Locanda Verde. It was pretty good, but Marcus was more impressed by it than me. So onto the title of this blog entry...last night we watched that Latifah and Common romantic movie called "Just Wright" On Demand...and let's just say we knew what we were getting ourselves into. Well, it was my fault. Marcus told me it was my choice, so I picked this movie. I knew it was going to be bad, but I'm a sucker for a romantic plot. Well, it was what it was! But I admit if it was on TV, I would watch it again....!