Oh MY GOSH. It's really hot in our apartment...the heat is cranking...we live in an older building, so we're on steam radiators. And someone tweaked them for the worse. It's like Philippines hot in here! Well Christmas just passed, and the holiday was a fun one. We went to my parents' place and celebrated there. Among the highlights of my gifts were the NYC restaurant grading system magnet, and the Sephora train case I got for my makeup! Christmas day Marcus and I checked out the remake of the Swedish flick "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"...and we really liked it! Then we headed home, saw Jennifer and her man Neil, and watched some movies on TV. The day after Christmas we headed to Lord and Taylor for some crazy sales on cashmere sweaters! Did you know that cashmere comes from goats and not sheep??? Today...back to work...grr...