Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tomorrow Is Seven Years

Tomorrow, June 1st, is Marcus and my seven year wedding anniversary. And where are we going? We're off to INS tomorrow morning for another interview to prove that we're legitimately married. Well I'm in better spirits these days, now that my three weeks of playing day emergency doctor are done...and I will never have to be the day emergency doctor ever again! That was the big hump in my internship I had to deal with. I watched a somewhat interesting movie called "Mini's First Time". It's about a teenage girl who grows up in a rich, but unstable situation. She ends up as an escort and has paid sex with none other than her step father...and that's where it gets even more crazy. Before that flick I watched "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" for the tenth time. Oh well. I just ordered the cookbook "More From Magnolia: Recipes from the World Famous Bakery and Allysa Torey's Home Kitchen". I'm really excited! I never fell into the hype of Magnolia, but recently Marcus brought home a chocolate frosted cupcake and a red velvet cupcake from Magnolia. And they were absolutely incredible. I'm specifically interested in the chocolate butter cream recipe, which supposedly this cookbook has. I have also be struggling to find a good red velvet recipe, so I hope the one in the book matches the cupcake I had. Stephen emailed me a link to this funny website that maps out for you when's the best time in a particular movie to take a pee break. That's pretty funny, and strangely very practical. Because hey---you know how it feels like when you really have to pee, but you're afraid you're going to miss something really important! Guess what the photo is? Yup, it's a magnolia!

Monday, May 25, 2009

More Depressing Stuff

Last night we finally watched "The Wrestler". Augh---heart wrenching! Could this be one of my favorites??? If you haven't already, go check it out. It chronicles the life of a middle aged wrestler who's heyday passed long ago. It's fascinating to think about how much of the film really does or doesn't mirror Mickey Rourke's life. Well, today I plan to veg out at home, hopefully catch some movies on TV. Wow, tomorrow marks that I have exactly one month left of my internship...

Sunday, May 24, 2009

It's Been So Long and So Much Has Happened...

Memorial Day weekend. Just happy I'm not working, that is all I have to say. So last night we went out with a friend of Marcus', who himself brought along a friend. It was a good time. I recently watched a seriously powerful film: "Au Hasard Balthazar". It follows the lives of a girl and her pet donkey, and their abuses at the hands of other people in their lives. It was crazy. Well soon we're going to Cozumel to be a part of my friends' wedding (Stacy and Casey). We're very excited not only for the event, but for the vacation. It also means that Marcus is finished taking his CFA exam, we're almost moving to Manhattan, and it means that I am almost done with this internship. We just found out that Terry-a, Steve, and Seren are going to be our neighbors at Peter Cooper! I am so's party time! Hmm what sisters and I plan to go to Brimfield in Massachusetts this July to do some serious antiquing.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Deep Throat....YA

I just watched the documentary "Inside Deep Throat", which I really enjoyed. I've never watched the actual the ground-breaking "Deep Throat", though. But the documentary was really interesting and broke down the social climate in the early '70's,the laws regulating the pornography industry, and the controversy surrounding the film. Well, I'm trying really hard to focus on the fact that I'm almost done with this's hard though because I will working as the day emergency doctor for the next three weeks, and seriously, it's painful for multiple reasons. So it's hard to convince myself that if I just get through it I'll be that much closer to the end. We've also come to the realization that we're going to use a professional moving company when we relocate into Manhattan...I had thought that we could just U-haul it (even though the last time we U-hauled, we swore it would be our last) because we're young and able, and it's so inexpensive it's not funny. But alas, at the end of the day, we just don't need that hassle.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

The Most Interesting Man In the World...Ruben?

This morning I finally watched a few episodes of the highly anticipated Comedy Central series "Krod Mandoon". I am so happy I got to see it...just up my alley: a little raunchy, a little campy, and a lot ridiculous. You should definitely check it out. Then Marcus showed me one of his favorite commercials du jour, basically because it reminds him of my father. I watched it, and I agree. For those people who've spent any appreciable time with him, maybe you can see why this little jem of a commercial screams "Ruben". Ha ha.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Go Green

So I stumbled upon a great organization: Puppies Behind Bars. Sounds funny, but it's a program in which inmates raise and train puppies to become guide dogs, service dogs to the disabled, and bomb sniffing dogs. I think this will become one of my favorites. It sounds like something that everyone involved can benefit from! Then, as I was shoving my face with Guylian praline chocolates---you know the chocolate sea shells (and if you don't know, you NEED to!)---I read the box and it said that they donate to Project Seahorse. I checked out their website and it seems like volunteering would be really rewarding: you SCUBA dive in the Philippines to survey the seahorse population. It's a 2 month commitment and they only take 3-4 volunteers a year...I would love to somehow do that one day. Finally, I started obsessing and bought the bag in the photo. Green friendly, fun, and all that good stuff. There are other versions I found online, too. What am I up to now? Me and Gustaf are chillin' and Marcus is en route to North Carolina for the weekend to hang out with his friend Claus.