I am not a big Cornell freak (but I am an NYU lover...go Violets), but I really do love our mascot the bear because he's so hardcore! So it's Tuesday evening and I had another enjoyable day on cardiology. Oh, except for the gross Saint Bernard who would intermittently urinate without any warning! He peed on my knee while I was listening to his heart--- Gross. Plus he was friggin' huge, so it was not fun trying to hold him still for all the tests we had to run. Have you ever taken a "dog personality test"? In the past I've told a bunch of my friends about it...you take this quick online test and it tells you what breed of dog you'd be based on personality. Apparently Marcus is a Saint Bernard and I'm a Chihuahua. Anyway, the Saint Bernard I saw today had a nasty smelling urine like he had some kind of infection...that really needs to be dealt with. Later in the day we had to perform an echo on an 11 year-old female alpaca named Madame Butterfly. As you may know, alpacas belong to the Camelid family, along with camels and llamas. They're native to the Andes Mountains and are mainly raised for their fleece. Tomorrow morning I have to take my senior photo for the yearbook and for the "wall of fame" as they call it...as you enter the veterinary college, there's a long hallway filled with all the photos of its graduates from way back when. My hair is so unruly ever since I got all these layers (and since I really don't like doing my hair or combing it if I can avoid it). The bottom line is I want something that's not possible: a really interesting, up to date hairstyle, but one that requires no maintenance, no "product", or effort. Ever since I got these crazy layers I wake up in the morning with hair sticking up in every direction. So tomorrow morning's festivities should be entertaining.
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