Tuesday night and I'm tired. Marcus is back in North America and tired, too but from jet lag and time changes. He had a great time back in the motherland and brought me great Swedish chocolate that I will devour. Well I'm now on small animal orthopedic surgery...and I LOVE surgery, especially orthopedics! Yesterday my rotation mate and I got to perform an extra capsular repair on a cadaver (a type of surgery used to repair a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament, or as you humans call it---the anterior cranial ligament or the ACL). It was fun and we had a surgeon at our disposal to walk us through it. Then today I scrubbed in on my patient's TPLO surgery, another way of fixing a ruptured cranial cruciate ligament. The patient is a 120+ pound Newfoundland, so let's just say it's really not a pleasure walking him with a sling and bearing most of the weight for him post operatively...plus he slobbers everywhere! Yuck. He's sort of a mess, but it's not his fault, he's a gigantic, furry dog. BUT the best part of my day was I got to use the power drill and drill through bone! His tibia...and a drill! And I also learned how to place screws and helped suture up his skin. Great fun! I told one of my friends how happy I was that they let me do it, and she said that surgery, especially having to drill through bone in no way excites her, but instead scares her....Now how could you NOT want to take a power drill to bone!?!
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