Ah the memories of New York City. I was going through my address book when I stumbled upon a gem of a Thai restaurant in Woodside. Back when Chantima, my NYU roommate (now soon-to-be-lawyer), brought me to the authentic-hole-in-the-wall-Thai spot, the food was crazy. It was a serious trek from the village to Woodside, but it was worth it! The papaya salad was so hot my gums would throb and I lost all ability to hold a conversation. But, damn, was the food good! Back to my original story: so I was updating my address book and I wanted to make sure this place still existed! So I checked, and luckily Sripraphai is still there and apparently completely renovated! Before it was a no-frills looking place. But now it looks all dolled up. Chantima told me she recently went. Anyway, I HIGHLY recommend this place if you're lookin' for real-deal Thai food. That's one of the places I need to hit up when I return to NYC...hopefully it's still as good as I remember...Speaking of Thailand, I stumbled upon this interesting site that chronicles how the image of Buddha is represented differently in different parts of Thailand.
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