Again, I took a leave of absence from blogging. Last week Twinkie, our almost 14 year old cat was euthanized after being diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. So we're devastated to say the least. It was so sad because the day before he died, I was arguing with my realtor down in Long Island to make sure that the building accepted cats. Anyway, our place feels empty now. On a more positive note, we're preparing to move down to Long Island in May. I've been listing excess furniture on craigslist like there's no tomorrow. We're in a 3 bedroom apartment with cathedral ceilings and we're going to a 1 bedroom...we're gonna miss this place. But it's exciting, too. Plus we'll finally getting closer to where we want to be long term (New York City), and one day we'll hopefully be back in the boroughs. I watched Oprah yesterday and it was about that man who's having a baby. I don't know what the big deal is. Technically he's still female. I realize it's not a conventional pregnancy, but if he still has female organs, then he's biologically a female. Today Oprah's going to be discussing puppy mills, so I really want to watch it. Maybe now that Oprah does a story on them, people will finally understand why being from most pet stores keeps these horrible businesses going...
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