On our second day, we did one dive to
Paradise Reef after our short course. It was great. I was having some issues with my buoyancy, which ended up to be because I didn't have the proper weights on my weight belt...for those who don't dive, the way it works is that you want to be weighed down, so you can sink to the bottom of the ocean (of course in a controlled manner), but then you also have a vest called a
BCD, which can inflate so you can control how much or how little you float over the very bottom of the ocean. Plus, when you're up on the surface you want to obviously be buoyant and not have to tread water, so you inflate the BCD then, too. On your way down to the bottom, you have to equalize your ears by swallowing, holding your nose and trying to breathe out of it, and chewing. Otherwise your ears end up in severe pain. If that happens, you just ascend a little, then try again, then continue your descent. How do you breathe? With the
regulator. This is a device that you have in your mouth and it's connected to your tank. So you breathe solely through your mouth, in slow, controlled breaths. You have a monitor to check your depth and your air supply. You also have an extra regulator in case a fellow diver runs out of air and needs to share. Other basic stuff is a suit, mask, and fins. Once you're down in the deep, you don't use your arms to swim: it's all in your breathing, your fins, and your amount of buoyancy that helps you. Woah, major tangent...sorry. So anyway, after we ate dinner that night, we went out on the town. We had heard of this club called
Discoteca Neptuno, so we decided to check it out...we learned that maybe people in Cozumel don't really like to dance, even if the place is called a "dance" club. I later asked a dive master about this issue of non dancing, and he claimed that the Cozumel people weren't necessarily all the dancing types...then another man we met at a local festival confirmed this sentiment about the people of Yucatan. This was news to me, because as a generality, wanting to move was just something the Latino people did or wanted to do! So we sat in this huge club with tables everywhere listening to and watching videos of people like
Rick Astley and
Old Whitney Houston...I kid you not...so maybe that's why we had the time to entertain ourselves by taking silly pictures like the one above...because we were bored...but we tried, we really, really tried! So we left, tried another place, then ended up in what could only be described as the Bermuda Triangle of American tourism...
Senor Frog's...hmm all I can say is that this place was a circus...it had pretty good music for the most part, and people were dancing, so that was good. But it's a place where Americans who want to get drunk and get tequila poured into their mouths while sloppily dancing in a Conga line go....and where the waiters and this American transplant who served as an MC of sorts lead games and orchestrated dances...I never did that whole Cancun spring break....so I guess this was my intro...A documentary NEEDS to be made about this place!