Have you seen Snoop Dogg's "Sensual Seduction" video? I can only describe it as pure perfection! I seriously wish I contrived this video...it's heavenly and ridiculous all at the same time! I mean, damn---he plays the keytar in it! Not to mention that the song itself is out of hand, given that Snoop now sings apparently. Good stuff, good stuff. Here's a link to this great piece of visual art...ha ha. And apparently, I'm not alone in my opinion of this visual mastery. I love Snoop. Well, last night I stayed up till 2 A.M. watching that hip-hop dance movie "Honey". Yes, it's not cinema at its finest, but then again, I was also entertained by "Save the Last Dance". I also recently rediscovered hookah when Stacy and I visited her friend Abdullah in Rochester. I smoked apple flavored tobacco once with Terry-a a number of years ago in an east village restaurant. But I had forgotten all about it. This time, the tobacco was mango flavored! And we sat outside, puffed, talked about random stuff for what felt like hours. I really love hookah---you smoke out of this highly ornate apparatus, if you will, and it promotes socializing and good times...isn't that great? I really want one, a really pretty, highly decorated pipe, especially since our new apartment in Long Island has a big veranda. But I don't want to increase my chances of cancer...although Abdullah argues (well only because he probably loves hookah) that the tobacco used for hookah is not processed with any chemicals (like nicotine), but he also agrees that damage to the airways through smoke inhalation of course could lead to bad stuff down the line...hmm...I'm in a conundrum. Ironically, he's a medical student who's pursuing a PhD and his topic of research involves creating a synthetic drug used to treat lung cancer, I think. But I don't like doing things that are bad for my health, especially smoking anything...I grew up with a smoker.
love the video of hokaah propaganda / marcus
Stopping by to show your blog some lovin' and you KNOW I love me some singing Snoop Diggity Dogg!-romaana
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