Friday, December 19, 2008

Are the Spirits Messing With Me?

Well it's safe to say that I am on the overnight schedule, even on my days off...I tried to get up at 9AM this morning to make the most of my last day off, but I woke up at 2PM. The weather is pretty crappy outside...but I had to go to a store to pick up gifts for my godchildren. The past week I have been tormented at the grave possibility that a shirt that I love had gone missing. I searched my closet, the laundry basket, and even went to the laundry room in search of it. No luck. Then I proceeded to go to the acceptance stage of my grief. So I tried searching the ends of the Internet to find a replacement. No luck. Then I even went back to the store where I bought it in hopes of buying another one...again, no luck. Then as a last ditch effort I asked Marcus if he had seen it and he simply opened our closet and grabbed it out of a pile of my shirts...then I grabbed him and kissed him passionately! You know how they say that when you misplace something, the spirits are messing with you? Well, then the spirits must love hanging out with me, because as anal retentive as I am, I feel like I misplace my clothes on some level of frequency! Oh, I just saw a review for a new wave Mexican restaurant in midtown---called Toloache. I want to try it---it sounds yummy. On another random note, I bought some V8 vegetable juice. Since I have no time to work out or eat very well or on an regularity, I'm going to try to drink a glass of V8 daily...hopefully it will help me get my daily dose of veggies...

Thursday, December 18, 2008


I finally ended my first week on overnights. I was supposed to go to Terry-a's and hang out, but her and baby Seren recently got I figured I shouldn't risk myself getting sick when I have to burn the midnight oil playing overnight emergency doctor. That sucks because I haven't seen them in SO LONG. So I slept a few hours today, woke up to Gustaf, our wonderful feline son, sleeping right next to me. So what has been happening on my overnight shifts so far? Well the usual suspects: strange people coming out of the woodwork at 3AM, some critical in patients going downhill and treating them, and some down time. The other night I watched "Coming To America" on DVD, and at about 3AM this morning I was watching an old "X-Files" (ahem, the namesake to this sweet blog) episode. I've also been doing some origami. In fact, I've even taught a few of my intern-mates some origami. It's a great way to de-stress yourself. Our office looks so cute! I hope my previous blogs about the Showtime series "Californication" intrigued some people to actually watch it. The season finale happened last week. I can't wait until the new season starts! Remember the Scratch Lounge we bought for Gustaf? Well he likes it---he hangs out in it, but he's not scratching the crap out of it like the cats online. Too bad, but at least he likes sleeping in it. Zombification, you ask? Well, working 6PM-8AM with bare bones staffing in a hospital definitely makes me feel like a zombie at times...ha ha...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Addendum to Saturday Blues...

Well, I finally found something on TV to watch: "The Bridges of Madison County". A great film; I've seen it before. But this was NOT the movie to watch with me in such a down, depressed mood. It's a story about lost love, bad timing, lost dreams, and what "could have been". Augh. I love that stuff! But like I said in my previous blog, today has been one big bummer for me. I hope there's something to cheer me up before I go to bed...

Saturday Blues

Today's been a bummer...I'm tired, Gustaf isn't feeling 100%, and I have to work tomorrow. Plus there's nothing on TV to take my mind off things. Marcus has gone to the city to hang out with fellow Swedish people to celebrate upcoming Christmas. I really dread tomorrow---I hate working at that place during the weekends more than anything. Anyway, I just purchased a gift for Gustaf that we hope he's going to love: the Scratch Lounge. It's a souped up cat scratching pad that has great reviews. I hope he loves it as much as the cats I've seen on the web.

Monday, December 8, 2008


It's Monday and I just finished a week of avian and exotic medicine at a local vet was great! Now I'm back to my place of business...augh. This past weekend Jennifer came over and we pre-celebrated Marcus' birthday: his choice, we went to IKEA and ate Swedish meatballs. Jennifer brought a cake, so we ate that, too. We also watched "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" which was actually pretty funny. This week I finally plan to meet up with either one or two of my vet school friends who have been also working here on Long Island, but due to our schedules, we never got to meet up...What's this video clip below (click on the play button)? It's an awkward video of our lovely Christmas tree...ha ha!

Monday, December 1, 2008

December...Holiday Time

Woah cannot believe it's already December. Well, maybe you have started to (or will shortly have to) think about what to get your loved ones for the holidays. Well look no further! Remember that a great gift is a donation to a worthwhile organization. For those of you who are faithful readers of my blog, I will gently remind you of a previous blog of mine where I talk about a bunch of GREAT organizations I donate to and why. Remember---donations make great gifts! Speaking of worthy organizations, Jennifer got me hooked on a great website that sells crafts from around the world and supports fair trade and small businesses in developing countries. I really love their holiday section. Our little Christmas tree is 90% decorated in ornaments from that about a seriously international, multi-cultural tree---ours rocks! What is this photo above about? Well it's one of the many items I bought from the website! It's a garland for the tree that's made of little people in traditional Indian garb...