Woah cannot believe it's already December. Well, maybe you have started to (or will shortly have to) think about what to get your loved ones for the holidays. Well look no further! Remember that a great gift is a donation to a worthwhile organization. For those of you who are faithful readers of my blog, I will gently remind you of a previous blog of mine where I talk about a bunch of GREAT organizations I donate to and why. Remember---donations make great gifts! Speaking of worthy organizations, Jennifer got me hooked on a great website that sells crafts from around the world and supports fair trade and small businesses in developing countries. I really love their holiday section. Our little Christmas tree is 90% decorated in ornaments from that website...talk about a seriously international, multi-cultural tree---ours rocks! What is this photo above about? Well it's one of the many items I bought from the website! It's a garland for the tree that's made of little people in traditional Indian garb...
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