Ahh...the fashion, the food, the cities, the people. I love Italian style. And I love "Divorce Italian Style (Divorzio all'Italiana)", the 1961 classic...Over the top, funny, and good film making. So I watched that today. The rest of the day I've spent working a little, cleaning up, and eating well. Now I'm watching Oprah, and Jenny McCarthy (of previous Playboy and MTV fame) is on, recognizing the bravery of a mom who survived leg and arm amputations after giving birth...and that's great, it's just kind of random that she's on celebrating this woman. But looking at her online bio, it seems as though she's focused her life around being a mother of an autistic child, so maybe that's why on the show now. Okay, so I take that back---not completely random. Last night I watched "The Secret Life of Bees". It was a good movie...I think it tried to deal with interesting issues; not a personal favorite film, but I'm glad I saw it. Plus I LOVE LOVE LOVE honey.
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