It's my weekend now. So I'm happy. I need this internship to end, like yesterday. I've faxed some resumes to some veterinary practices, did some housecleaning, and now I'm watching TV. Finally, Dr. Sofa picked up our dining room chairs to be reupholstered! I'm so excited. The other night I got very, very upset when I read up on Sputnik 2 and Laika, the first living being to ever be in space. The Russians were in such a rush to be the first to have a living being in space, they quickly trained a dog named Laika to go into space, knowingly doing so with no plan for her re-entry back to Earth (i.e. they knew she was going to die in space...basically when the air in her spacecraft ran out and when it overheated). What a horrible, inhumane death. I was so disturbed, and it was just a reminder of how I just wonder if the human race is destined to go to Hell. Not to mention all the other animals sent into space before humans were: chimps, rodents, and others...How can we do these things? Augh. Anyway, I watched the Oliver Stone film "The Doors" for the second time yesterday. I really love that flick, as I love most of Stone's films. Augh, I can't talk about the whole animals in space thing much more...it gets me so upset...
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