And my 34th birthday! I spent it working for 13 hours, but it's all good. Got a lot of well wishes, and even a special delivery to my job: Terry-a and Seren, her baby, dropped off a card and a piece of artwork that Seren created for moi! What else is good? Well, I just bought the Chi--- a ceramic flat iron for the hair. The past year I've been battling unflattering waviness in my hair...I don't know if it's a result of having short layers in my hair, or what, but without fail the ends of my hair flip up. So first I looked into getting Japanese hair straightening done, which would render my hair stick straight. Then I found out it costs $350 - $400. Considering my problem isn't that severe, I didn't feel the need to dish out that kinda dough. So I reflected back on my friend Stacy's almost obsessiveness regarding this particular flat iron that she always swore by: the Chi. So I got one, and it really friggin' works. And it takes less than two minutes to miraculously straighten those stubborn layers. I never thought I would end up using an iron to straighten my hair?!...I had always thought I had pretty straight hair. But I guess not...
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