Marcus sent me a link to a lecture given by an MD out of UC San Francisco. If you have any interest in why Americans are facing an obesity epidemic, why high fructose corn syrup is really bad, and why little kids---even infants are having problems with obesity...then check out this lecture. It was pretty interesting. It broke down the reason why the US is having this problem now---it all started with Nixon, the Japanese scientist who invented high fructose corn syrup, and the early 80's movement to cut down on fat to prevent cardiovascular disease. Then the guy breaks down exactly why fructose is bad. I highly recommend this lecture. It's over an hour, but very interesting and very important. Check it out, it was a lecture presented to the public, as part of the UC school system's Lifelong Learning Program. Just FYI, here's a list of foods highest in fructose content...I need to cut down on my fruit juice intake. On a happier note, this weekend was fun. Marcus and I brunched in SoHo yesterday, and then last night I went to Film Forum with Stephen and we watched the original "House of Wax" starring Vincent Price in 3-D. It was GREAT FUN! I'm really happy we watched it. Today is a rainy, lazy day...I worked out, did some housework, and chilled with Gustaf. P.S...quick fructose factoids: it doesn’t suppress ghrelin (the hunger hormone), fructose ingestion doesn’t trigger insulin, therefore doesn’t trigger leptin (the satiety hormone), therefore your brain doesn’t know you ate anything and tells you you're still hungry! Fructose contributes to Metabolic Syndrome (obesity, type II diabetes, lipid problems, hypertension, cardiovascular disease)...therefore fructose, high fructose corn syrup, and sucrose are the roots of all dietary evil! AAAHHHH!
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