I feel like I didn't go to work much this past week...it was a pleasant change of pace. I had jury duty downtown, and I got out with no trials served after the two day minimum. So I'm glad it's over. But it was nice waking up a little later and getting home by 3:30 PM...in time for Oprah! Well, the past weekend I got my butt kicked by my trainer, and then I went to Stephen's place and met his new cat Cappuccino. A cutie and very high energy...he is going to get neutered so in the meantime I'm calling him the Arnold Schwarzenegger of cats because I can't believe this guy's reflexes and energy level! Then that night Marcus and I headed over to meet our newly born god child, Liam. It was great to see his parents, (our friends) and to meet him! Then the next day we headed to my parents' house to hang out and see my sister Caroline's new digs, a one bedroom apartment. It's a really nice, pre-war co-op. So that's exciting. Today I went to the gym and watched two really good flicks. First was "Transamerica". I liked it! And I saw a favorite of mine (I've seen it tons of times before), "The Mosquito Coast". Grr...don't want to go to work tomorrow...