The weather has been so nice! I started doing some cardio for the first time along the FDR Drive. I like how I get to see all the NYC bridges, and that it's less crowded than the West Side Highway. Last night Marcus and I watched "The Hunter" with Willem Dafoe. We really liked it! Melancholy, but really good. It was about someone who's hired to hunt down the supposed last remaining Tasmanian Tiger, an animal that was thought to be extinct. I had never heard of this creature before, so I did some light research, and it turns out it was the largest carnivorous marsupial, and its closest relative would be the Tasmanian Devil...who knew?!?! Tonight we are taking my sisters out for a belated birthday celebration, then coming back to our apartment for a short game of Monopoly. We just cleaned up around our apartment, and whoa did it need it! I don't like letting things go, but lately it's gotten hectic between work, life, being tired! Haha it never ends. I've been really getting into that smart phone game "Draw Some". It's so addictive! So we ordered our beekeeping gear...and I started reading more on my own in preparation for our own beehive! Let's see how it goes, but Marcus, my father, and my sisters are all into learning how, too. Marcus and I are almost done with the introductory beekeeping class. Honey bees are really organized and everyone has their own very defined roles...I love them. They must be Virgos with that level of anal retentiveness. The photo is from our last class, where we got to check out some hives on the roof of building where class is held.
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