It's practically 80F outside---is it....summer in New York City? This brings to mind people sunbathing in Central Park, taking long walks outside, street fairs, taking the subway out to the beaches....but wait! We are in April---in New York City. Weird. But the weather is unpredictable these days. Tomorrow it will probably be cold again. Oh well. But speaking of summer which makes me think of vacations, my in-laws just bought a vacation home in Costa del Sol in Spain....so hoping to check that out one day! Anway, Marcus just left for Atlanta for a business meeting, but will also be watching the Masters Golf Tournament, which he's excited about. Marcus' friend came in to town for work and stayed with us, which was a lot of fun. I got to get to know him a little bit, which was great. I also just found out a friend, Eric, is leaving my job, which I'm happy about for him, but I'm still going to miss him. I actually met him when he came to me as a client at the hospital I was working at. He had told me that he was interested in veterinary medicine and asked for advice. I got a really good vibe from him so I asked him to come back another day on my lunch break and I would talk to him about it. He ended up getting a job at my hospital, and it started from there. Two years later and here were are! I consider him my friend and I'm pulling he'll get into veterinary school. Well with spring comes spring cleaning...we have done a little of that here at home, and finally we are getting a little renovation done in our second bedroom, so I'm looking forward to that. Springtime also means beekeeping time! Marcus and I are prepping for our second year of beekeeping, so that will be exciting...
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