Monday, October 18, 2010

Falling From the Sky!

I had a really bad day at work on Saturday...I mean REALLY bad day. Good thing the next day (yesterday) was the day I was supposed to go sky diving, because I needed it!

My sisters Jennifer and Caroline joined me on the jump, too! I've been sky diving before, but this was their first time. Marcus and my parents came to watch. My sisters had a good time, and maybe they'll consider doing it again...I don't think they're sure yet. But Jennifer has a fear of heights, so she really was brave to do this, I was surprised. As for me, I will DEFINITELY do it again. I love it, it's so much fun. And contrary to popular belief, jumping out of a plane isn't really scary, it's fun and relaxing. And by the time you're at the door of the plane about to jump, you just gotta do it. Of course, with a parachute and highly trained instructor on your back (we jumped tandem). This time was so much better (if that's possible) than the first time I jumped, back in college. Going tandem, you free fall out of the plane at about 13,000 feet at 125 miles per hour. You free fall for about a minute. In that minute we spun around, fell both belly down and belly up, so we go to look up to the sky and watch the plane fly away above us, which was pretty amusing. Then at 6,000 feet you pull the cord and navigate your parachute down to the ground. We got beautiful views of the fall foliage and landscape on the way up in the plane and on the way down. I've always wanted to get certified in sky diving (so I can jump by myself), but never had the time or funds to pursue it. I'm considering it...the only thing really making me hesitate is that the sky diving school is far from where we live, and I'd have to go there fairly regularly. But either way, I'm jumping out of a plane again---one way or the other! And who else plans to join me next time? My MOM...yes, my mother! She wanted to jump yesterday, but she recently had cataract surgery so we weren't sure if that would be ok just yet. And Marcus is considering going tandem with one of his best friends who's a professional sky diver in Sweden...he said he'd only go if he goes with him, so that's fair. And Mom: next season it's on!

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