Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Dutch, Flor, the Department of Health...

This past weekend Marcus and I went out to dinner and then out to a club to celebrate a friend's birthday, and it was a good time. I love staying out late, and I feel like I never do these days! Then on Sunday, my sisters and I headed over to Zarin's, an impressive upholstery fabric store in the LES. My sister found something for her apartment. We then headed over to SoHo and met up with Marcus to eat brunch at The Dutch. Marcus and I have been trying for a while to eat dinner there, but we haven't been able to get reservations. Well...the brunch was exceptional! YUMMY. That's all I have to say. On the topic of restaurants, I've been religiously cross referencing NYC's Department of Health restaurant review website...when it comes to ordering food online on Seamless, or going to a restaurant, I highly recommend brings you peace, and sometimes, well...horror. Jennifer, my sister, also told me about Flor, this carpet tile design store. Before you cringe a little at the sound of carpet tile, give it a chance. We have a second bedroom that we need to sort out, and we're going to deal with the floor, well, with Flor! Check it out. It's a pretty cool concept. Today I watched "Of Gods and Men"...good flick, but very depressing. So you gotta be in the mood. I mean, who wants to hurt a monk???

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