This is Musca autumnalis, a fly that transmits the eye worm, Thelazia, mainly to cattle and horses (in veterinary medicine)...and also humans, of course, but a different worm is involved. It's so gross I LOVE IT! But that's not the reason why I entitled my blog "The Flies Won't Go Away" this morning. It's because ever since the crazy warm weather started about 2 weeks ago, we've had an influx of flies in our apartment...all acting strange...I guess the temperatures have them all messed up. I don't know, but it's gross. Anyway, last night we watched the french film "The Page Turner". It was "blah". Can't say that I'm too excited about it. It's about a child who bombs an important piano audition because one of the judges distracts her. Years later the now young woman ends up working with the same judge and getting revenge by playing mind games with her. But what I can say is that the revenge was subtle; definitely not a style of American revenge flicks for the most part. So that was refreshing that it wasn't all about "you screwed me, so I'm boiling your bunny!", you know?
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