Today I saw a Vietnamese pot bellied pig who walks on a leash and apparently sleeps in the house. That was interesting. Then I had an interview with a big veterinary corporation regarding internships for next year. I hope it went well. Honestly, I had the dates wrong and I didn't realize until the night before that I had the interview! Plus I had to run from the equine and farm animal hospital to change, look presentable, and collect myself for the interview. I wish I could read the interviewers' minds! But at the least, it was practice for more interviews in the near future. It's getting cold and we don't have our heat...better call the landlords! I'm going to bed soon. I just watched most of Ingmar Bergman's "Virgin Spring". So far, I really like it; it's set in Old World Sweden and is about a young virgin who gets raped. I don't have too much experience with Bergman's films, so I'm trying to get a better handle on it. I think I've only seen a handful of his stuff. But I'm tired, so I'm saving the rest for sometime this weekend. This week Marcus is up in Canada doing some fishing with a college buddy of his. I'm glad he's having some fun, but since he's in the wilderness, he has no phone reception, and it's a bummer not being able to say hello to him.
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