I've missed my blogs the past few days! I'm back in the large animal hospital (horses, farm animals), but this time I've adopted a positive, carefree attitude which has really helped! It's incredibly liberating! Since I don't have boards to study for anymore (again, I hope I passed) and my applications are in, there's nothing more to worry about in the immediate future. So I decided that I should just make the most of my situation, and it's really worked out well! I'm so much happier. I'm also more comfortable with horses that aren't so nice. But I DO have a WONDERFUL horse as a patient named Biko. He's up in isolation though because he's Salmonella positive, but he's the best patient ever. He lets me do my thing which spans everything from oral medications, drawing blood, to...medications administered...yes, rectally. And he's so good about it all. Plus he likes it when I scratch his head. I even pick him fresh grass. All he asks is that I feed him...he's pretty demanding about his food. Well, I'm excited because the next few days while I'm in the hospital, but in between treatments, I'm going to start researching my "last hurrah" SCUBA diving trip with Stacy. We hope to take a little vacation either before or immediately after we graduate. Well, I better go. Me and Marcus are going to watch "300", which is Marcus' pick...
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