I recently got word that up here in Central New York we can be expecting snow as early as this coming Tuesday...I am not ready. Maybe it was the weird warm weather, or that I always go through this every year. The weather up here is so extreme...when is snows, it SNOWS. When it rains, it's like Noah's Ark is gonna crash through your front door. And the thunder and lightening always feels like it's right above your house. Thank you, Lake Effects. While exploring the Internet this morning, I stumbled upon the chronicles of the Quaker Parrots of Brooklyn. I've heard about this before and it's pretty interesting. A colony of Quaker Parrots have been living wild in Brooklyn for years. What exactly happened that caused them to be wild in this climate is not totally known, but there are theories. Last night I watched Polanski's "Bitter Moon". I really like Polanski, and I loved the extremes of this movie. And between Ithaca weather, the aberrant colonization of Brooklyn by the parrots, and Polanski's twisted story of co-dependency, this morning's theme is: extreme...the good, the bad, and the freaky.
Hi, love the parrott story and the song / marcus
Wow - I never thought I'd see the parrots of Brooklyn and Polanski mentioned in the same article, but hey - everything's connected!
Yes, it's getting cold in Brooklyn now, and the parrots are puffing up, which is one of the ways they stay warm. Actually fall/winter is one of the best seasons to watch them because you can more clearly see them in the leafless trees.
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