Today I went to another spinning class, and the instructor was someone that was recommended to me. I know I've previously said I'd met the mother of all instructors, in terms of who kicks my @ss the most, but hot damn, today's was an absolute killer. I went to the NYHRC's Astor Place location for Rosa's spinning class. I've never seen anyone pedal as fast as she was (with resistance on the bike) and move so fast. I couldn't keep up. And honestly, when I take spin classes I usually don't keep up 100% of the time. But I really did not keep up! And not to mention this instructor's antics...she was a cross between super in shape instructor, hip hop DJ, dancer, and militant motivator. When she wasn't on the bike, she was literally rapping, dancing, and forcefully screaming at us to go faster. She pumped so much energy into this class, it wasn't funny. It was pain and party time all rolled into one. I left drenched and exhausted. But there was no time to take it slow because I had to make it back home to watch the Brazil-Chile game. On my way home I stopped at Baba Ghanouge, which is this Middle Eastern take out joint in Tribeca that's great. I'm obsessed with it now. Marcus and I get delivery from them all the time, and I'm personally really into their Hi-C lemonade drink: freshly juiced orange, lemon, and honey. And that's exactly what I ordered on my way home today. We've been ordering chicken manoushi a lot...it's spicy chicken with bread that's drenched in oregano. It's overload, but it's good. But when I googled manoushi, it seems as though the bread is usually seasoned with thyme...hmm...weird. But it tastes good anyway! PS: Brazil won 3-0, but Chile was giving 100% till the end, and not for nothing, so was Brazil...and that was cool to see both teams not giving up or taking it easy, even though towards the end it was apparent who was the winner. Also, speaking of Chile, I read about this former Chilean goalie who back in the '90's feigned injury in a game (in hopes of keeping Chile in the World Cup qualifiers) by cutting his head with a razor blade he hid in his glove! Crazy and so not cool.