Last night I met up with my NYU friends Tina, Matt, and Chantima. We ended up at a Thai restaurant called Rin. It was good, but even better was seeing my friends. Firstly, I hadn't seen Matt in years! And he's my fellow Virgo, and it's so comforting to have another Virgo around...someone who understands and shares my anal-retentiveness and all that good stuff. Tina had just come back from Roma, and had a great time. On her way back she stopped in London and hooked me up with chocolate, biscuits, and tea from Harrods. Yummy. And Chantima had been most recently working with the princess of Thailand (she works at the Thai Mission). We all had a good time. Recently something has urked me...or maybe "urked" isn't the right word. Just an observation. U2 has apparently contributed their songs or a new song for the World Cup because every game seems to start off with a a montage including them. Why is U2 the "go-to" band for everything? Need a fund-raiser? Need a theme song? Go to U2! Not that I'm knocking them, I love (old) U2. But still. I mean, they really couldn't tap into some maybe newer talent? And you know, I really liked Ricky Martin's song for the World Cup back in the day...I'm not afraid to say it! You know you heard it and wanted to shake...just a little... (the Spanish version is better)...the official song is by Shakira, which really isn't the greatest, no offense to her, she's cool. And speaking of my thoughts on music, if you want to ever hear my theory on the evolution of the R&B group Jodeci, lemme know...well, I just got back from spinning class. And there was a substitute instructor. Now whenever I walk into my class and find out there's a sub, I internally cringe, because you never know what you're gonna get. But what a wonderful surprise! This instructor was a spinning monster! It was a great class, and he was doing the entire workout with us. Love it. Well, I'm going to check out the next soccer game, and head out to Queens to meet up with my sister Jennifer. We're going to wander through Little Manila in search of good Filipino food.
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