Wow. I've been absent on this blog for a while. So what's been going on lately? Well, most recently Caroline (my sister), my father, and myself headed down to Miami to visit our relatives. It was good to see them, since I hadn't seen them for a REALLY long time. All my father's siblings live there. Interestingly my aunt and uncle told me they used to go out and see members of the Buena Vista Social Club play and sing back in the day, which is pretty damn cool. We also got to overdose on Cuban food and Cuban coffee, and that was great. I mean, damn, they even had excellent Cuban food in the airport! We stayed at the Sofitel, which I was pretty happy with. It was a great deal, and a nice place to stay. It wasn't beachfront, but since our stay was so short, we had to prioritize to be near the airport. There was a pool, so we took advantage of that. Although we did share an elevator with people we seriously thought were two under age prostitutes and a john. It brought repeated entertainment for us three when we brought it up. Anyway, I got home last night, and finally got to watch some of the World Cup. I couldn't watch it (it started when I was going to Miami) for the past few days, so I was so excited to finally watch. Today I watched Japan unexpectedly beat Camaroon, and I just finished watching Italy and Paraguay draw. Hmm...so I'm trying to plan my life for the next few weeks around the World Cup...
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