Last night a bunch of my friends and I ventured to Cornell Cinema to watch Sean Penn's directorial effort, "Into the Wild". What a great film. Acting, cinematography, pacing...couple of minor things I didn't like, but they were minor. (Talk to me once you've watched it). It's based on the real life story of a college grad who leaves his dysfunctional family to venture to Alaska...alone. Incredible story, and really brave on this guy's part if you think about it. Cornell Cinema is a great, old school theatre with $4 tickets! Although most films playing there have usually just been released to video, it's a nice place to go to watch movies. Plus they sometimes have filmmakers present the film before it starts. Then I finally watched the french film "Mississippi Mermaid", which I also enjoyed, and was recommended to me by Stephen. It's the movie that "Original Sin" was based on. So if you watch both "Into the Wild" and "Mississippi Mermaid", maybe you'll be able to say what the common "denominator" is in both movies...and it's not a big theme or anything, just a common occurence. Well, it's been rediculously cold up here. Tomorrow we're doing a housecall for behavior: an aggressive cat. So let's hope that's edu-macational.