Marcus brought home a copy of the magazine "Gourmet". The last time I had a subscription to it was YEARS ago, but damn, do they have great recipes. Marcus wants to get a subscription. This month's issue talks about southern cooking....YUM. I found a recipe for homemade biscuits and baked eggs in ramekins. So that's my weekend project. Then there's this crazy sounding chocolate cake recipe, so that's on for sometime in the next few weeks. The frosting is butter based, which is good, because I really love buttercream frostings...those without butter as a base, for the most part just are not rich or satisfying! I just watched two hours of "Law and Order: SVU", and now I'm watching another! I love that show, especially the characters on it. Personal favorites are Detective Stabler and Dr. Huang, the psychiatrist. Stabler is so intense and so enraged all the time, I love it. Did you know he was Freakshow in "Harold and Kumar Go to Whitecastle"??? Today's my brother in law's seventeenth birthday, so Junior if you're reading this: gratis pa fodlsedagen. Speaking of the Swedish folk, have you seen that AT&T commercial with the tall blond guy named Sven? It's a pretty amusing commercial (maybe Marcus and I find it amusing because Marcus is Swedish), but that Sven guy, in my opinion, is very Swedish-like, and the accent definitely is reminiscent of many of my in-laws (and Marcus).
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