Today was the longest day in radiology! There were NO cases...so we sat around literally doing nothing. My rotation mates and I tried to be pro-active by reviewing some cases together, but after that (which took an hour max)...there was NOTHING! They should have sent us home! Seriously, at one point we were all sitting around in our rounds room spacing out, checking out Netflix, cracking jokes, being bored, and scheming on to hint to the radiologists that we're ready to go home! I mean, damn---the resident even forgot to round with us, and we even paged her! Well at least I got other stuff done. I did study some radiology, but then I researched my presentation, potential accommodations for an externship I plan to do in Michigan, and obsessively checked email throughout the day. Anyway, I watched this french (yes, another french one) film called "Murmur of the Heart". Somewhat disturbing account of a teenage boy reaching maturity. I just finalized my rankings for the internship programs I applied to...and once you do that, you can't change them! So I held my breath as a clicked on the "submit" key, but it's good it's over with. They're due tomorrow. The rest, I guess, is out of my hands. My agenda tomorrow (while in radiology): Finalize my trip to Cozumel, Mexico so Stacy and I can book the trip when she's back from Hawaii.
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