I just got home from one of my two mandatory emergency shifts. Today I had a really cute 14 week-old German Shepherd who came to the hospital because he was unbalanced while walking, he had an ear droop, and he had a head tilt. Long story short, it turned out that he either had central (in the brain) vestibular disease or peripheral (in the ear) vestibular disease. Either can cause dizziness and cause you to feel like the room is spinning. The poor puppy couldn't walk straight and he had vomited this morning. Anyway, yesterday Stacy and I talked wedding planning talk (for her wedding) over lunch yesterday after we hit the gym. The cool thing is that she's having her wedding in Cozumel, so when we take our SCUBA diving trip we can meet with her wedding planner and the whole deal. After lunch Marcus came back and we went out to eat at an Irish restaurant. Last night we watched "The Longest Yard", a football movie with Adam Sandler in it. It was actually entertaining! I usually shy away from football movies because to this day I don't understand football. It's a little amazing to think that an American can get away with not understanding that sport, but I did!
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