So let me summarize my last week...I've been back on working out, which is wonderful because my arthritic knee decided to throw a tantrum, and I've been sans cardio for a month. Yikes. Well, the day before Mother's Day, my family took my mom to Bedford Post, owned by Richard Gere. Haha. It was good, but not something I'd go out of my way to get to. In true Southern Westchester style, it was Anglo-Waspy-mania up in there! But that's okay. The following day, I met up with Terry-a, Steven, and Seren. When I went to Seattle, I found this super cute kid's hat that looks like a strawberry. I bought it and planned to give it to Seren. I've received two photos of Seren with it on, so it's safe to say she likes it! Marcus and I watched "You Don't Know Jack", an HBO movie starring Al Pacino that chronicles the life and career of the controversial Dr. Kevorkian. It was pretty good, and I've always wanted to know more about him and what inspired him to really lead the human euthanasia movement. And who knew he was also an artist and musician?! Apparently he's had his stuff in galleries, and he released an album once. Then I watched "Flashdance" on TV which I was excited about because I've never seen it in its entirety. I watched part of "Heaven and Earth" again yesterday, and once again, it's such a great, but seriously depressing film. Today I met up with my friend Liz again. We grabbed some lunch and tea at The Adore. We both ordered lapsang souchong, a black tea. She described it perfectly...she said it tastes like ashes from a fireplace! It's this good smokey, black tea. Before meeting up with Liz I went to a couple of places in search of something simple...plain black socks with no polyester. Who knew that would be so hard! I went to a couple of places before I found them at DSW! I thought I was going to have to buy horrific socks with cartoons of animals and teeny bopper phrases on them...
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