It has been a few day since my last entry into my little blog. Since then, I went to Jersey to visit a clinic I'm considering working at. I liked what I saw, so let's see. Otherwise, I've been trying to work out as much as possible, since I have the time. I've been back to my spinning class, which is great because it kicks my ass. A couple of days ago I met up with an old friend of mine, Karen. It was so wonderful to see her! She was actually around (she was a co worker back in the day) when me and Marcus got together! We reminisced and grabbed some food. Yesterday I met up with my friend Christina, a fellow veterinarian. She's about to start acting classes in her free time, and I'm happy for her that she can take that on. We went back to a restaurant around the neighborhood and had some good old brunch. Recently I took on the task of wardrobe for a photo shoot. Let me explain...Marcus and his friends Steven (Terry-a's husband), Magnus, and Rasmus started a company. They are going to be launching the sales of the Mukti Mat. What the @#$% is that, you ask? Well think bed of nails, pressure points, stress relief, and relaxation. It's a mat you can just lie on at the end your day, or even do yoga on if you wanna get hardcore. It's for everyone! There is a Mukti Mat website, still under construction. Today they had a photo shoot for the product. Stephen, a great friend and incredibly talented photographer was in charge, and the Mukti crew was there, as well (Rasmus was there in spirit, as he is in Sweden). It was good to finally see all their hard work coming together, and that launching the product was in the soon future! Click on the video below to see a few moments from the shoot...
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