Yesterday my good friend Christina, who I met during my internship, came over and we had a sleepover! It was a lot of fun. She's also a veterinarian, and one of the few people I trust to deal with Gustaf, our cat, on a medical basis. She's helped me draw blood on him in the past and has been my go-to girl for a sure-shot blood draw or urine sample! Well, yesterday we bummed around the West and East Village and ate dinner at Caracas Arepa Bar. It was good stuff. I love arepas! We then went home, and had plans of going out again, but we were beat! We watched a movie on TV with Marcus, then went to bed. This morning we went to the Smyth Hotel's new restaurant, Plein Sud, to have breakfast. What a cute place! And the food was pretty good. Then we went to MoMA and checked out the much talked about "The Artist Is Present" performance art installation, complete with live nude artists. It was pretty cool; I'm not a big performance art fanatic, but I can definitely respect the intensity and devotion it takes to do this kind of this. My favorite parts were film reels of male performers humping green grass on a hill, the artist Marina Abramovic aggressively fondling her own breasts, and women dressed in traditional Baltic dresses in the rain lifting their skirts and getting their nether regions wet...and why? Apparently, this was an expression addressing the old Baltic myths that if men masturbate to the Earth it will become fertile, and that the rain would stop if women expose themselves to it...and there was something to do with the breast fondling, but I forgot! I think fondling them would bring rain. Then there was another short film where Marina and her long time performing partner where locked lipped for minutes, breathing in and out from each other, which eventually became basically carbon dioxide, until they almost passed out. Intense! We then headed to my favorite---the permanent collection, where I got to see my beloved Matisse masterpieces. But there were way too many people there, and we were getting annoyed (well mostly I was) so we left, and went back downtown. We grabbed some lunch and hung out at home.
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