Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Mid Week Report day off is almost over and I have to go back to work tomorrow...bummer. I spent my day takin' care of business. I have to study for my New Jersey board exam so I can practice in New Jersey (that's where I work now!). Then I did some house work, and now I'm watching not so hot television. But on a positive note, I've been chillin' with Gustaf all day and he's so cute. This weekend Marcus and I may join some friends and eat at Fette Sau. Then Sunday, I'm skydiving with my sisters! So that'll be exciting. Oh and after work last night Marcus and I checked out a short film festival down here in Tribeca. My co worker's boyfriend produced one of the flicks, so we were showing support. There were some good films in there! And the photo is a still from one of the films...yes, that's two wooden figurines having tantric sex on sandpaper...what a metaphor.

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