This weekend has been been a weekend of recovery. First, Marcus was gone for the weekend visiting with friends. This past Friday night, I went out with my co workers to a bar in Greenwich Village, and then had to be at work the next morning at 8AM. So needless to say, after work I just vegged out in front of the TV, ordered some dinner off Seamless Web, and hung out with Gustaf. I ended up watching two flicks that night: "City Island", a film produced by Andy Garcia, who also starred in it. Wasn't the greatest movie, but a lot of it took place on City Island (like the title indicates), which was pretty cool, because I have always had a little fascination with that place. My father originally wanted us to move there when we were young, so we could have a boat and live by the water. Then I watched "The Hurt Locker" for a second time. I love this movie. It's so intense and unnerving. I HIGHLY recommend this movie. Today I went to the gym and worked out with my trainer. She kicked the crap out of my abs today! I spent the rest of the day catching up on housework and I watched the film "The Pool". I liked it...it's a slow paced film about a teenage boy in India who spies on a wealthy family and is fascinated with the pool in their backyard. He ends up infiltrating their lives in the process. The funny thing about both these movies is the actual filmmaking processes for them were just as interesting as the final product! Apparently they were very challenging to make in terms of locations, departmental issues, and casting problems, if you read about them.
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