Monday, March 2, 2009

Brunch, Weathermen, and Sleep

I slept 12 hours last night. Which is, by my standards, quite excessive. But the day before I was up for literally 24 hours straight. Between getting off my overnight shift, meeting up with a friend for brunch at my favorite local spot, and then having my family over for a while, I kept truckin'. Then Marcus came back from a trip to North Carolina. So the Tri state area was warned about getting 8-10 inches of snow....yet when I woke up today at noon, I saw about an inch on the ground. Not that I'm complaining, but it's always amazing when weathermen repeatedly warn for the worst, then nothing happens...oh, I just saw the weather and maybe it's just my neighborhood that wasn't hit, because apparently other parts have had a lot of snow...oh well. We just ordered one of those Aerobed mattresses so when guests come, there's a place to sleep. We've been borrowing Terry-a's for way too long at this point...we need our own. So what's happening now? Well I'm waiting for Oprah, of course! Oh, not to be a film production snob, but I've been watching a lot of the Travel Channel lately. And now they have developed the Travel Channel Academy...a school that will teach you how to be a travel "filmmaker". Sorry, not convinced. Filmmaking is a lot more than taking your parents' videocamera and shooting the mountains.

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