Thursday, March 4, 2010


It was somewhat temperate when I walked outside today to meet up with Teri, a friend of mine, to check out the Tim Burton Exhibit at MoMA. I'm not a big Tim Burton freak, but I can definitely agree he's a very creative artist with a whimsical, slightly "off" sense of humor. Anyway, we went up to the permanent collection and I was completely's been SO long since I've seen some of these beautiful images in a book, even. So we walk in and BAM: Pollack, Van Gogh, Monet, Matisse, Frida Kahlo, Diego Rivera, Warhol, Cezanne...just to name a few, EVERYWHERE...Teri made a great point---it's crazy that every piece of art in MoMa's permanent collection is a masterpiece! And to see Matisse's stuff, without any preparation, was kinda crazy because way back when, as a kid, it was his paintings that had really inspired me to draw and pursue art. So I wasn't really prepared to see those images live in person...but it was great. After that, we left the museum and got some coffee...and it was freezing! I was under dressed for that weather!

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