Saturday, April 26, 2008

My First Few Days in Cozumel

Hi! So finally I´m here in Cozumel, Mexico. I´m here with Stacy and it´s been fun. We´re staying in this very modest, no frills place called Hotel Pepita. It´s $40 per night for a room. Again, it´s no luxury hotel by ANY stretch of the imagination, but it works and it´s clean. So we´ve been going to the beach to swim and we went SCUBA diving three times. We´re done with the diving part of the trip so we can just chill and all that. We went to a few beautiful dive sites like Palancar, Paradise Reef, and Yucab. It was like swimming in an aquarium. Of course we haven´t been diving in years, so we were rusty. And in terms of what I have to work on, I had issues equalizing my ears when we heading towards the bottom (80 feet) and I finally think I solved my issue of buoyancy...I added more weights to my belt, so I have more control in terms of sinking or floating up (when I don´t want to!). I have a link here that talks a little bit about why the reefs here are considered so great for diving. Unfortunately, I won´t have any photos up from my trip until I get home, but I am trying my best to blog overseas!

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