Thursday, August 27, 2009

Visitors from Sweden

Yesterday Marcus' father, step mom, and little brother Jesper arrived for a short visit. It's been so long since I've seen them, so it's nice to have some time to spend with them. Last night we walked around our neighborhood, and this morning I walked around with them. Marcus met up with them later to take them around Rockefeller Center. In the meantime, I headed back home because I've been so tired and I needed to mentally prepare myself for going back to work tomorrow (yuck!). So I grabbed some very good food from this Mexican joint here in Tribeca called "The Bigger Place". Apparently they serve breakfast daily, and they have huevos I'm excited! I inquired about huevos divorciados, and the man at the counter schooled me on the fact that divorciados really isn't a traditional Mexican dish, but something someone made up in order to be able to cook something with the two distinct sauces that make it so great. Oh well, I don't still tastes so good! This weekend we plan to go up to Westchester with Marcus' family. We'll eat some lunch with my family and maybe check out Chef Central.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Day Off: Always a Beautiful Thing

Today was my day I started it with some sit ups, then I did my purchase and return rounds around lower Manhattan. First I went to Topshop to return a romper I had bought. I like it, but I had found one that I like better at Anthropologie so I got that one. Then I went to Filene's Basement to return a Fall dress (I blogged about it recently) because on second inspection, and with Marcus' input, it really wasn't working for me. Then I headed to midtown to meet Koh for lunch at Chiyoda. That was fun because I hadn't seen him in forever. Last night I met up with Chantima, my NYU roommate and long time friend, who I, too, had not seen in a really long time. That was great. It's so nice to be back in the city and back in the loop. One thing that has been urking me for a while is the whole knee high boots with a skirt trend. I love that look, but what I don't get is how girls are rocking this in 90 degree weather. It's not right! I mean when it's this hot, less is more, right???

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tuesday Afternoon

Today I worked a half day. And it went pretty well. Phew. I had back to back appointments and I wondered between learning the ropes of this new clinic and messing up on the computer, whether I'd be completely behind. After work I went to Union Square. I ended up buying a Fall dress from Filene's Basement. Then I headed to Petco to try to get a sisal scratching post for Gustaf. I finally made it home, and needed to rehydrate. I unwillingly filled glass of orange juice from the 365 Organic brand by Whole Foods. YUCK! We had just moved in last week when we had not figured out where all the grocery stores were, so we found a Whole Foods and just got their brand. Well don't do it! Talk about grade D oranges. And I like Whole Foods, but I do think it's overrated. They have some really great stuff, but it's really overpriced. But don't get me wrong, I'm glad it exists...I just can't imagine doing our weekly grocery shopping there.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Monday Blues...

I got home from work not too long ago...and today wasn't the greatest day for me. Sometimes I feel like all I do is "start over" from school, to job, to job...and it gets exhausting. But anyway, I got home and saw Gustaf, the feline love of my life, and everything was fine once again. Speaking of which, he's adjusting quite nicely to our new place. He has great views from our windows! Then Marcus, my human love of my life, came home from work, so life is good again, too. So I rediscovered one of my favorite, but addictive websites...the NYC Restaurant Inspection website. Just plug in your favorite restaurants if you dare and find out if there have been any violations. Good stuff. Well, tomorrow I work a half day and then hopefully my sisters are stopping by to check out the new place. We're 90% unpacked, so at least it's presentable.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

So, From the Beginning...

So regarding our moving into our apartment in Gramercy, then one month later moving to another place downtown...the plan was to move into the place up in Gramercy, have five weeks of rest and relaxation prior to starting my new job, and all that good stuff. What really happened? Long story short we moved into a pre-existing roach problem. And one month of many maintenance visits, exterminators, caulking, and ripping out cabinets didn't change a thing. Oh, not to mention developing a lot of stress, anxiousness, and not eating. Marcus and I were not happy to say the least. Finally, then let us out of the lease, for a hefty price. But hey, we're out, right? And now, so far, we're loving our new place. And the neighborhood is wonderful! Today I walked along Hudson River Park (we live right off the Battery Park City Esplanade), and then took a quick 10 minute walk to Century 21 to buy a bag for work. I also watched this not so great, but watchable movie called "The List"...I'd say if it's a Sunday afternoon and you need something to watch, then go for it. Wayne Brady was in it...and that reminds me of one of my absolute favorite Dave Chappelle skits with Wayne Brady! Last night Marcus and I met up with his long time friend from Sweden, Sung Mee, and her boyfriend, Raul. We met at South Street Seaport, then we ended up across the river in the Vinegar Hill section of Brooklyn. Raul knew of this restaurant called Vinegar Hill House, and it was pretty damn good food...except for the bitchy waitress! We ate this great dessert called Guinness Chocolate rich, not too sweet...yum! I need to try baking it one of these days...when we got home, I started to watch the Mexican flick "Y Tu Mama Tambien", but fell asleep...I want to watch the rest of it, though.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

What Really Happened the Past Month: The Official Story

So where have I been the past month??? It's a LONG story. We just moved again, and now we're in the Tribeca/Battery Park City area. So far it's great. What I plan to do is to blog on our adventures and misadventures to catch us up to the present day. I'll keep you updated and from now on, I plan to be back on the blog wagon, because I've missed it so!