Monday, October 19, 2009

Weekend Summary

This past weekend I had a bit of around 11:15PM on Saturday night, it crossed my mind, after watching some "Queer As Folk" episodes, that I needed to go out! By the way, that's a great show...I started watching the American version, and now I'm hooked. Those guys know how to party: crazy clubbing, crazy hot sex, like all the time. Ya! Well, Marcus wasn't game to go out with such short I texted Terry-a, not thinking twice she'd actually respond. But by a miracle, we ended up in some Japanese all night food joint in the East Village. It was fun getting out. The next morning Marcus and I watched a matinee of "Couples Retreat" and it was pretty funny. We then brunched at Forge, down in our neighborhood and it was delicious. Highly recommended. Today I went to the gym, and received a leather clutch I had ordered through Etsy...Love it, and I love this guy's stuff. All original leather designs, and they're beautiful and affordable. Also highly recommended: De Lacy. Check it out...he has his own website, and he's on Etsy.

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