It's the 31st. My new patient is a sweet Italian Greyhound named Giovanni that was hit by a truck! He's going to be getting surgery for some broken bones. Ouch! But that's what pain meds are for! Yeah! Now I'm at home relaxing a bit. Marcus is at work, Twinkie's patrolling our apartment as usual. Tonight after I'm done with my stuff at the hospital, Marcus is going to cook some dinner and Stacy's coming over. We're renting "Superbad" and the last of the Rush Hour movies that went straight to video. The Rush Hour flicks are guilty pleasures of ours, and both Marcus and I were so disappointed to find out that the latest installment went straight to video! Well, I guess it's time to make a New Year's resolution. Mine is to never take the boards exam again. Ha ha. That may not be in my control. What's yours? I checked out the top 10 New Year's Resolutions...most are predictable. P.S. if you're lacking a resolution, don't forget you can always donate! I just donated to Heifer International...great organization.