Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Catching Up...Back in the Workforce

So the past week has been a little busy. I've been on hiatus since May...and that was a beautiful time in my life. So beautiful...alas, I eventually had to get back to work, and so I am. Now I work in Jersey City. I've been there a week, and so far, so good. I like all my co-workers, and my boss is a really good, patient, reasonable one. He's so far carried out on everything we talked about during my negotiations with him, and he's a really good teacher. Maybe this time I'll be lucky. I'm still trying to juggle meeting with my trainer and working out, too. So I'm in the midst of figuring that all out. I recently went to my friend Liz' art show. Marcus and I really like one particular painting she did, so hopefully we can find a spot for it in our apartment. Not sure if we have the space, but I think it could work. I also have been making a big effort to be healthy. For real, say no to corn syrup! And I'm cutting down on white rice, pasta, potatoes, and...sadly, chocolate. Marcus is back from Sweden. He had a great time there, so that's good. My little brother in law just graduated from high school and we got a photo from his yearbook (see photo). Yes, the captain's hat is part of the "official" photo for the school. Not really into the whole earring thing, but you know how these young kids are. And who knows what the trends are in Europe! He's grown up...I remember when he was just a little guy!

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