Thursday, February 7, 2008

Behavioral Modification

I learned about two types of behavioral modification for animals: classical conditioning (a la Pavlov's dog), and desensitization, where you expose someone to a stimulus gradually, increasing intensity with the goal of decreasing their stress or reaction to it. Back on the ranch: I've been going to the gym every morning, and I've going to Wegman's after to pick up my lunch, a salad. To get to the salads I have to go into perilous territory: the baked goods aisle. Chocolate cakes, cookies, and the tempting Wegman's chocolate donuts. Jesus, if you've never tried their chocolate donut with chocolate icing on top, you have not lived! Well I've been really good and not giving into my temptations. So I realized that I've been desensitizing myself! And, I've been trying to decrease the temperature of the water I use when I shower. As you probably know, hot water can dry out your skin. Well that hasn't stopped me: I love close to scalding water. But I have been trying to use more warm water. So maybe all this behavioral modification will work out. Let's see...

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