Tuesday, September 11, 2007

On the Cusp...

On the cusp of so many things...like yelling at my DVD player, worrying about the national veterinary board exams, and being on the cusp of beauty! Where should I start...The DVD player. We've been having issues with it, and since the DVD player is the medium by which one can become enveloped in the cinematic experience, its malfunction is very detrimental to life! Marcus and I get films sent to us through Netflix.com, and I was so excited to watch the two films that came in the mail today: The Last House On the Left by Wes Craven and one of my favorites, Weir's Picnic at Hanging Rock. But once again, the DVD player was all jacked up. So looks like we have a new project for this weekend: to find a new one. Second, the national boards exams. That'll just be an ongoing stress until they're done in December. Let's just say that studying "all there is to know" about cats, dogs, horses, pigs, cows, sheep, goats, birds, reptiles, small mammals, and fish isn't that easy. But c'e la vie, right? On a positive note, I am on the cusp of beauty (once you're on that site, scroll down to the "virgo-libra" section)---what's that you ask? Why I'm a Virgo on the cusp of Libra so I had to plug my special place on the astrological charts! I love my Virgo brothers and sisters, especially with a touch o' Libra.

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