Thursday, May 29, 2008

Gustaf: A Cat of the Future! And My First Jigsaw

Gustaf was a trooper and made it down to Long Island with us with no complaints. Before we left Ithaca, I enrolled Gustaf in a study regarding cat collars and pet identification. I got a free microchip out of it, too! So that was sweet. I highly recommend anyone with a pet to get them microchipped. We have the Home Again microchip and the beauty of it is, regardless of what scanner someone uses to check if a pet's microchipped, the scanner can read the Home Again chip (some scanners can only read certain brands). And now that we've moved to a smaller space, Marcus and I were faced with the inevitable "where are we going to put the litter boxes?" (remember, for every cat, you need an extra box!). So after realizing that we needed to somehow tastefully hide them in our apartment, we encountered this crazy modern litter box hide and we ordered it. Then we got the bad news that they were on back order for like 3 months. So then there was plan B: that's where me and my new jigsaw come in! I went to Lowe's, got some advice on how to use one of these things, and I created a pretty cool litter box hide, with my power drill, jigsaw, and safety was based on the design done on this blog, and it's pretty much identical (but I kept it the natural wood color). I'd highly recommend this easy project for someone in a similar predicament.

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